Aplazado el mundial superpluma Roger Gutiérrez vs. Chris Colbert, que disputará eliminatoria contra olímpico Héctor Luis García
Daniel Pi
Estaba programado que el día 26 de febrero el venezolano Roger Gutiérrez expusiese su cinturón mundial WBA superpluma en Estados Unidos contra el invicto Chris Colbert, pelea en la que el aspirante era claro favorito para coronarse. Sin embargo, casualmente, Gutiérrez ha dado un supuesto positivo en test PCR que le permitirá mantener su cinturón mundial unos meses más, puesto que el duelo ante Colbert ha tenido que ser aplazado.
Dado que este combate iba a ser el estelar de una velada de Premier Boxing Champions y Showtime en la que estaban ya confirmados los combates Gary Antuanne Russell vs. Viktor Postol y Jerwin Ancajas vs. Fernando Martínez, la promotora ha decidido buscarle un reemplazo a Colbert para mantener en pie la velada, para que pueda pugnar en la fecha señalada y no desperdicie su campamento de entrenamiento y para que esté rodado.
Por lo tanto, ha sido confirmado oficialmente por PBC que Colbert pugnará igualmente el 26 de febrero, o sea la semana que viene, pero contra el olímpico dominicano Héctor Luis García, que no es que esté precisamente arrollando como profesional. De hecho, García ha padecido tres No Contest en 17 combates, además de un cuestionado triunfo dividido como local contra el olímpico Anvar Yunusov, y en su última pelea derrotó por decisión a un Isaac Avelar que fue noqueado en el peso pluma por Stephen Fulton y Eduardo Ramírez. Por lo tanto, el hábil y prometedor Colbert será ante García amplísimo favorito.
Por si quedase alguna duda sobre qué pasará con el mundial, el Colbert-García ha recibido la etiqueta de eliminatoria final WBA del peso superpluma, de modo que el ganador formalmente estará emplazado al campeonato contra el monarca Roger Gutiérrez.

Postponed super featherweight world championship Roger Gutiérrez vs. Chris Colbert, who will fight against Olympic Héctor García
Daniel Pi
Venezuelan Roger Gutiérrez was scheduled to put at stake his WBA super featherweight world crown in the United States on February 26 against the undefeated Chris Colbert, a fight in which the challenger was the clear favorite to win. However, coincidentally, Gutiérrez has given an alleged positive in PCR test that will allow him to keep his world belt for a few more months, since the duel against Colbert has had to be postponed.
As this fight was going to be the main one of an evening of Premier Boxing Champions and Showtime in which were already confirmed two fights, Gary Antuanne Russell vs. Viktor Postol and Jerwin Ancajas vs. Fernando Martínez, the promoter has decided to look for a replacement for Colbert to keep the card going, give him a tune-up fight and not make him waste his training camp
Therefore, it has been officially confirmed by PBC that Colbert will fight on February 26, that is next week, but against the Dominican Olympic Héctor Luis García, who is not exactly overwhelming as a professional. In fact, Garcia has suffered three No Contests in 17 fights, in addition to a disputed split decision win at home against the Olympic Anvar Yunusov, and in his last fight he defeated by decision Isaac Avelar, who was knocked out at featherweight by Stephen Fulton and Edward Ramirez. Therefore, the skillful and promising Colbert will be wide favorite against Garcia.
In case there is any doubt about what will happen with the world championship, the Colbert-García is a WBA super featherweight final eliminator, so the winner will be officially the mandatory challenger to Roger Gutiérrez’s title.