Breve: Al fin, Dillian Whyte firmó el contrato para combate del peso pesado contra Tyson Fury. Pronto anuncio oficial
Daniel Pi
Después de haber esperado tantos años para disputar su primer campeonato mundial, lo lógico habría sido que Dillian Whyte hubiese firmado cuanto antes el contrato de su duelo ante el monarca Tyson Fury, especialmente cuando el reparto de la bolsa para el enfrentamiento era inalterable ya y este le reportaría los mayores ingresos de toda su carrera. Con todo, Whyte esperó hasta la última hora posible antes de dar el visto bueno a su parte del contrato para el choque ante Fury, habiendo sido ya finalmente los documentos enviados al WBC y siendo de esperar que en breve se produzca de una vez por todas el anuncio oficial del evento.
Más allá de la expectación creada artificialmente y del drama, el interesante choque tendrá igualmente un sólido favorito, siendo éste un Tyson Fury que en las apuestas de partida está a 1,14 € por los 5,00 € de Whyte.

News in Brief: At last, Dillian Whyte has signed the contract for heavyweight fight against Tyson Fury. Official announcement soon
Daniel Pi
After having waited so many years for his first world championship fight, it would have been logical for Dillian Whyte to have signed the contract for his duel against the champion Tyson Fury as soon as possible, especially when the distribution of the purse for the confrontation was already unalterable and it would bring him the highest earnings of his career. All in all, Whyte waited until the last possible moment before signing his part of the contract for the clash against Fury. Now the documents have finally been sent to the WBC and hopefully soon, once and for all, will came the official announcement of the event.
Despite the artificially created hype and drama, the interesting bout will have a solid favorite, as at the moment the average odd for the underdog Whyte is 4/1.