Breve: Termina el periodo de negociaciones para el Josh Taylor vs. Alberto Puello, la WBA llama a subasta
Daniel Pi
Como se podía esperar, el campeón indiscutido del peso superligero Josh Taylor y su retador obligatorio Alberto Puello no han alcanzado un acuerdo para enfrentarse en el combate ordenado por la WBA. De ese modo, el organismo ha llamado a ambas partes a una subasta el día 22 de abril, siendo la puja mínima aceptable de 200.000 dólares y la repartición de la bolsa 55% para Taylor y 45% para Puello. En cualquier caso, se puede prever que la subasta o no tendrá lugar o su resultado quedará sin efecto, puesto que desde hace semanas se sabe que el británico Taylor piensa dejar sus cinturones vacantes y ascender al peso wélter.
Por ello, a no ser que haya un giro de los acontecimientos inesperadísimo, todo parece indicar que Taylor simplemente tratará de mantener en su poder los títulos todo lo que le permitan y que posteriormente Puello deberá pelear por el cinto WBA sin dueño ante un coaspirante.

News in Brief: The negotiation period for the Josh Taylor vs. Alberto Puello ends without agreement, the WBA schedules purse bid
Daniel Pi
Unsurprisingly, undisputed super lightweight champion Josh Taylor and his mandatory challenger Alberto Puello have not reached an agreement to fight in a WBA-mandated bout. In this way, the organization has called both parties to a purse bid on April 22, with the minimum acceptable bid being $200,000 and the distribution of the purse 55% for Taylor and 45% for Puello. In any case, it can be foreseen that the auction will not take place or its result will not have effect, since it has been known for weeks that the British Taylor plans to vacate his belts and move up to welterweight.
Therefore, unless there is an unexpected turn of events, everything seems to indicate that Taylor will simply try to keep his titles for as long as they allow him to do so and that later Puello will have to fight for the WBA belt without an owner against another contender.