Maxim Babanin, que derrotó a Fury y Joyce como amateur, logró su cuarto triunfo profesional (Vídeo del combate)
Daniel Pi
Vegas City Hall, Krasnogorsk, Rusia. Peso pesado.
El respaldo del Chudinov-Abdugofurov contó con la participación del ruso Maxim Babanin 4(4KO)-0, un peso pesado de 1,83 m que tuvo una insigne carrera amateur, en la que sumó triunfos ante boxeadores como Tyson Fury, Joe Joyce, Frazer Clarke, Jose Larduet, etc. Como profesional, Babanin encaró este viernes su cuarto combate profesional, en el que venció con facilidad a su veterano compatriota Evgeny Orlov 17(13KO)-18(8)-1.
Aunque Babanin no está en un buen estado de forma, su rival estaba en uno mucho peor, de modo que el favorito, si bien no tenía gran agilidad o velocidad, pudo hacer valer su precisión, su técnica y su astucia para conectar manos nítidas arriba y abajo. Con un directo al cuerpo, Babanin ya dañó un tanto a su oponente en el primer round, siendo Orlov movido posteriormente por un gancho zurdo arriba y un recto diestro. De todos modos, el golpeado Orlov aguantó ese asalto y el siguiente, alcanzando el tercer round, en el que un nuevo directo al torso le dejó tocado. Entonces Babanin hostigó a su contrincante hasta que la esquina de Orlov tiró la toalla.
De momento Babanin no ha encarado ningún test significativo y no parece apropiado hacer proyecciones sobre su carrera a pesar de su éxito como amateur, dado que primeramente necesita mostrar compromiso y seriedad con su trayectoria profesional bajando de los 115 kg que marcó en la báscula y que indudablemente lastraron su rendimiento.
Vídeo oficial del combate:

Maxim Babanin, who defeated Fury and Joyce as an amateur, scored his fourth professional win (Video of the fight)
Daniel Pi
Vegas City Hall, Krasnogorsk, Russia. Heavyweight.
The support of the Chudinov-Abdugofurov card had the participation of the Russian Maxim Babanin 4(4KO)-0, a 6’ 0” heavyweight who had a distinguished amateur career, in which he won against boxers such as Tyson Fury, Joe Joyce, Frazer Clarke, Jose Larduet, etc. As a professional, Babanin faced his fourth professional fight this Friday, bout in which he easily defeated his veteran compatriot Evgeny Orlov 17(13KO)-18(8)-1.
Babanin is not in good shape, but his rival is in a much worse one, so the favorite, although he did not have great agility or speed, was able to exploit his precision, technique and cunning to connect sharp hands up and down. With a straight to the body, Babanin hurt his opponent somewhat in the first round and later shook Orlov with a left hook to the head and a straight right hand. However, the punished Orlov resisted that round and the next one, reaching the third, in which a new straight to the body hurt him again. Babanin then attacked his opponent until Orlov’s corner threw in the towel.
At the moment Babanin has not faced any significant tests and it does not seem appropriate to make projections about his career despite his amateur success, as first of all he needs to show commitment and seriousness in his professional career by losing weigh from the 115 kg (253 lb) at which he tipped the scale, something that undoubtedly conditioned his performance.
Official video of the fight: