Previa: Joe Joyce, Jason Cunningham, Callum Johnson, Nathan Heaney y Chamberlain en atestada velada de Frank Warren
Daniel Pi
Hacía tiempo que el promotor Frank Warren no organizaba una velada con una cartelera principal tan atestada de pugnas con alicientes como la que se desarrollará este sábado en el Wembley Arena de Londres, Reino Unido. De hecho, el respaldo de su evento en PPV Fury-Whyte no fue ni remotamente tan interesante como el de este cartelera en abierto, si bien en esta ocasión lo que falla es el choque estelar.
Una nueva víctima para “Juggernaut”
Cuando Joseph Parker anunció que no iba a pelear en julio contra Joe Joyce 13(12KO)-0 debido a que su entrenador preveía que su mujer daría a luz en la semana del combate, no hizo falta ser demasiado avispado para notar que algo extraño había. Efectivamente, poco después se dio a conocer que Parker había firmado un acuerdo con Boxxer, lo que, pese a lo que se ha dicho, hacía bastante difícil que se produjese el Joyce-Parker en el futuro próximo.
De todos modos, “Juggernaut” no boxea desde julio de 2021 (KOT sobre Takam) y en el último tercio del año pretende disputar igualmente un combate de calado para defender su posición como aspirante obligatorio WBO, por lo que este sábado se enfrentará al veterano rumano Christian Hammer 27(17KO)-9(4).
Este boxeador se ha convertido en un especialista en dar rodajes a púgiles con aspiraciones por su buen encaje, habiendo perdido por decisión en los últimos cinco años ante Povetkin, Luis Ortiz, Yoka y Frank Sánchez, por lo que ha sido seleccionado para que Joyce tenga algo de actividad. No obstante, es evidente que el invicto debería poder vencer con mucha claridad su duelo ante este lento adversario y que quizás pueda poner a prueba su resistencia a la fatiga con su continuada presión.
Cruce de caminos
Habiendo dejado atrás su etapa como piedra de toque con triunfos ante Gamal Yafai y Brad Foster, el peso supergallo británico Jason “The Iceman” Cunningham 31(7KO)-6(1) está en el mejor momento de su carrera, e incluso apunta a una pelea titular como 6º IBF, 13º WBO y 14º WBC. Sin embargo, para apoyar la persecución de sus objetivos necesita una victoria de relieve, que buscará el sábado ante el excampeón mundial sudafricano Zolani Tete 29(22KO)-4(2).
Sin duda, este parece un test internacional muy interesante para el astuto y enrachado Cunningham, ya que se medirá a un púgil veloz y bueno en la distancia larga, si bien el africano sólo ha disputado un round desde su dura derrota ante Casimero (KOT en el tercero, noviembre de 2019) y existen dudas sobre si tiene la moral, la convicción y la ambición necesarias a estas alturas de su carrera.
En lista de espera para Beterbiev
Ser adversario de Artur Beterbiev es algo que muchos han evitado, pero Callum “The One” Johnson 20(14KO)-1(1), que se anotó un knockdown antes de que el ruso le noquease, pretende disputar una revancha. Como virtualmente 2º WBO, Johnson no está demasiado lejos de alcanzar ese objetivo, si bien por el momento necesita poner fin a nueve meses de inactividad e intentar lucir mejor que en su último combate ante Emurlaev, algo que tratará de lograr ante el exretador mundial ruso Igor Mikhalkin 24(11KO)-3(2).
Éste llega de perder por abandono ante Mathieu Bauderlique, por lo que se considera que un Johnson mucho más potente y agresivo debería poder lograr también un triunfo por detención, especialmente si quiere hacer parecer mínimamente realistas sus posibilidades ante Beterbiev.
Heaney y Chamberlain
En principio el choque que abrirá la cartelera principal será el que protagonizará el peso medio local Nathan “Hitman” Heaney 15(6KO)-0, un púgil que ha demostrado tener capacidad de convocatoria y que, tras visitar la lona en su último combate, afrontará una seria prueba ante el francés Nizar “The Bomber” Trimech 9(4KO)-3(1)-2. En toda su carrera, a Trimech sólo le ha vencido con claridad el extraordinario Pavel Silyagin, mientras que, por lo demás, ha ofrecido muy exigentes peleas ante Ronny Landaeta, Kamil Szeremeta y el invicto Hiseni, así que Heaney necesitará estar muy atento.
Finalmente, en el evento también destaca el segundo combate pactado a diez asaltos para el imbatido británico Mark “Thunder” Chamberlain 10(7KO)-0, que se enfrentará en el peso ligero al español, excampeón de Europa del peso pluma, Marc Vidal 13(5KO)-2-5. Este último disputará su pelea de mayor envergadura desde su derrota por decisión ante el exmonarca mundial Kiko Martínez (octubre de 2018).
El evento Joyce-Hammer será emitido en Reino Unido por BT Sport 1 desde las 21:00 del sábado, las 15:00 ET/12:00 PT.

Preview: Joe Joyce, Jason Cunningham, Callum Johnson, Nathan Heaney and Mark Chamberlain in stacked Frank Warren’s card
Daniel Pi
It’s been a long time since promoter Frank Warren organized an evening with a main card as packed with interesting fights as the one that will take place this Saturday at the Wembley Arena in London, United Kingdom. In fact, the support of the PPV event Fury-Whyte was not nearly as good as that of this bill, although this time the weak point is the main clash.
A new victim for “Juggernaut”
When Joseph Parker announced that he was not going to fight Joe Joyce 13(12KO)-0 in July because his trainer anticipated that his wife would give birth the week of the fight, it wasn’t necessary to be too smart to notice that something strange was happening. Indeed, shortly after, it became known that Parker had signed an agreement with Boxxer, which, despite what has been recently stated, makes quite difficult for the Joyce-Parker bout to take place in the near future.
In any case, «Juggernaut» has not boxed since July 2021 (TKO over Takam) and in the last third of the year he intends to face an important match to defend his position as WBO mandatory challenger, so this Saturday he will fight in a tune-up against the Romanian veteran Christian Hammer 27(17KO)-9(4).
Due to his good chin, this fighter has become a common option for preparation bouts for boxers with aspirations, having lost by decision in the last five years against Povetkin, Luis Ortiz, Yoka and Frank Sánchez. Its for that reason that he has been selected to give some activity to Joyce. However, the undefeated should be able to beat very clearly this slow opponent and perhaps he could test his stamina with his continued pressure and work.
Crossroads bout
Having put his worse times behind with wins over Gamal Yafai and Brad Foster, the British super bantamweight Jason “The Iceman” Cunningham 31(7KO)-6(1) is in the best moment of his career, and is even aiming for a title fight as 6th IBF, 13th WBO and 14th WBC. However, to support the pursuit of his goals he needs a significant victory, which he will seek on Saturday against the former world champion Zolani Tete 29(22KO)-4(2).
Without a doubt, this looks like a very interesting international test for the astute Cunningham, as he will be up against a fast and skillful boxer who fights good at long range. However the South African has only fought one round since his tough loss to Casimero (TKO in the third, November 2019), and there are questions about whether he has the necessary morale, conviction and ambition at this stage of his career to avoid becoming a mere stepping stone.
On queue for Beterbiev
Being an opponent of Artur Beterbiev is something that many have eluded, but Callum “The One” Johnson 20(14KO)-1(1), who scored a knockdown against the Russian before the champion knocked him out, intends to fight in a rematch. As he could be considered at this moment 2nd WBO, Johnson is not too far from reaching his goal, although for now he needs to end nine months of inactivity and look better than in his last fight against Emurlaev, something he will try to achieve against the Russian, former world title challenger, Igor Mikhalkin 24(11KO)-3(2).
As Mikhalkin is coming from a seventh round loss to Mathieu Bauderlique, it’s expected that a much more powerful and aggressive boxer like Johnson should be able to pull off a stoppage win as well, especially if he wants to make his chances against Beterbiev look even remotely realistic.
Heaney and Chamberlain
In principle, the clash that will open the main card will be the one that will feature the local middleweight Nathan «Hitman» Heaney 15(6KO)-0, a fighter who has proven to sell tickets well and who, after visiting the canvas in his last fight, will face a serious test against Frenchman Nizar “The Bomber” Trimech 9(4KO)-3(1)-2. In his entire career, Trimech has only been clearly beaten by the extraordinary Pavel Silyagin, while he has otherwise put up very hard fights against Ronny Landaeta, Kamil Szeremeta and the undefeated Hiseni, so Heaney will need to be prepared for a challenging duel.
In the event also stands out the second fight agreed to ten rounds for the undefeated Briton Mark «Thunder» Chamberlain 10(7KO)-0, who will face at lightweight the Spaniard, former featherweight European champion, Marc Vidal 13(5KO)-2-5. This will be the biggest bout for the latter since his decision loss to former world champion Kiko Martínez (October 2018).
The Joyce-Hammer event will be broadcast in the UK on BT Sport 1 this Saturday from 8:00 pm, 3:00 pm ET/12:00 pm PT.