Breve: Naoya Inoue confirma oficialmente que deja vacantes sus cuatro cinturones del peso gallo y asciende al supergallo
Daniel Pi
Al japonés Naoya “Monster” Inoue simplemente no le queda nada que demostrar en el peso gallo, división que carece ya de retos para él después de haber reinado con puño de hierro y haberse convertido en campeón indiscutido. Por ello, como ya señaló semanas atrás que haría, Inoue ha dado una conferencia de prensa para confirmar que va a dejar vacantes sus cuatro cinturones mundiales del peso gallo y que iniciará ahora una andadura en el peso supergallo. En dicha división actualmente hay sólo dos campeones mundiales, el monarca unificado WBA-IBF Murodjon Akhmadaliev, de Uzbekistán, y el titular WBC-WBO Stephen Fulton, de Estados Unidos.

News in Brief: Naoya Inoue officially confirms vacating his four bantamweight belts and moving up to super bantamweight
Daniel Pi
The Japanese fighter Naoya “Monster” Inoue simply has nothing left to prove at bantamweight, a division that doesn’t present a challenge for him any longer after reigning with an iron fist and becoming undisputed champion. For this reason, as he already said weeks ago that he would do, Inoue has confirmed in a press conference that he is going to vacate his four world bantamweight belts and that he will move up to super bantamweight. In this division there are currently only two world champions, the unified WBA-IBF monarch Murodjon Akhmadaliev, from Uzbekistan, and the WBC-WBO titleholder Stephen Fulton, from the United States.