Sean McGoldrick se proclamó campeón británico y de la Commonwealth ante Scott Allan (Vídeo del evento)
Daniel Pi
Vale Sports Arena, Cardiff, Reino Unido. Campeonato por los vacantes cinturones británico y de la Commonwealth del peso gallo.
Parece que los caminos de Sean McGoldrick 13(3KO)-1 y los títulos británico y de la Commonwealth estaban destinados a cruzarse. Y es que, aunque su decisiva derrota ante Thomas Essomba en agosto de 2019 le alejó de sus objetivos durante más de tres años, los mencionados cetros permanecieron sin ser puestos en juego desde noviembre de 2019 (Farooq-McGregor), casi como si aguardasen a que los capturara. Finalmente, la espera terminó este viernes, cuando McGoldrick se proclamó campeón venciendo a Scott Allan 11(1KO)-7(2)-1 por decisión mayoritaria. Las tarjetas fueron un absurdo 114-114 y justos 117-111 y 117-111.
El combate fue inicialmente bastante táctico, lo que benefició claramente a un McGoldrick con superior carrera amateur y técnica y que pudo ir escogiendo precisos directos diestros aislados y jabs. Como Allan es un boxeador experimentado no tardó en intentar ajustar, y en el tercer asalto llegó con varios cruzados y directos de izquierda boxeando como zurdo, si bien no logró romper a largo plazo el control táctico general de McGoldrick, que siguió avanzando calmadamente e imponiendo su directo de derecha.
Los asaltos no siempre estuvieron claramente decantados, y los intentos ofensivos de Allan que no fueron evitados por pasos atrás o contenidos por ganchos zurdos a la contra terminaron generando un considerable número de desordenados clinches, en los que el no favorito llegó con algunos golpes oportunistas. Sin embargo, aunque los instantes embarrados no permitieron a McGoldrick explotar totalmente su habilidad, Allan pronto terminó regresando a sus desplazamientos, lo que el primero aprovechó en varios rounds para marcar la diferencia con sus eventuales pero certeros directos diestros y ganchos zurdos.
A la larga, viendo que cediendo la iniciativa se le iba a escapar la pelea, Allan intentó presionar algo más, pero sus intentos fueron inconsistentes y erró muchas manos por las acciones defensivas simples pero eficaces de McGoldrick, que entonces estuvo nuevamente acertado con sus contragolpes en gancho de mano adelantada y sus golpes rectos. Así, haciendo un poco más que su oponente en casi cada situación, un McGoldrick más ordenado y astuto se aseguró el triunfo a los puntos.
La captura de estos cinturones será todo un revulsivo para la carrera de McGoldrick, que ahora podrá alcanzar grandes combates. En este sentido hay que destacar que, por ejemplo, existe la posibilidad de que pueda medirse al excampeón mundial Paul Butler, que podría intentar rebotar de su derrota ante Inoue buscando el cetro británico, o al exmonaca Khalid Yafai, que no parece estar en condiciones de apuntar ahora mismo a peleas internacionales. De no poder alcanzar este tipo de pugnas, quizás McGoldrick pueda terminar siendo retado por el campeón inglés que salga del combate por el cinturón vacante entre Jordan Purkiss y Ramez Mahmood que se producirá el 24 de febrero.
A continuación vídeo oficial del evento cortesía de Boxing Social y de Lets Go Management.

Sean McGoldrick was crowned British and Commonwealth champion defeating Scott Allan (Video of the event)
Daniel Pi
Vale Sports Arena, Cardiff, United Kingdom. Championship for the vacant British and Commonwealth bantamweight belts.
It seems that the paths of Sean McGoldrick 13(3KO)-1 and the British and Commonwealth titles were destined to cross. Although his decisive defeat against Thomas Essomba in August 2019 kept him from his objectives for more than three years, the aforementioned titles remained without being put at stake since November 2019 (Farooq-McGregor), almost as if they were waiting for him to capture them. Finally, the wait ended this Friday, when McGoldrick became champion defeating Scott Allan 11(1KO)-7(2)-1 by majority decision. The cards were an absurd 114-114 and fair 117-111 and 117-111.
The fight was initially quite tactical, which clearly benefited McGoldrick, the boxer with superior amateur career and technique and who was able to pick precise isolated shots in straight right hand and connect jabs. As Allan is an experienced boxer, he soon tried to adjust, landing left overhands and straight lefts as a southpaw in the third round. However, he failed to break McGoldrick’s overall tactical control in the long term, and the favorite calmly continued to advance and impose his straight right punches.
The rounds were not always clearly won by McGoldrick, and the offensive attempts by Allan that were not eluded by back steps or contained by counter left hooks ended up generating a considerable number of messy clinches, with the underdog connecting then a few opportunistic punches. However, although the entangled moments did not allow McGoldrick to fully exploit his ability, Allan soon ended up returning to his lateral movement, which the former took advantage of in several rounds to land eventual but accurate right hands and left hooks.
In the long run, seeing that renouncing to have the initiative he was not going to get the victory, Allan tried to press a little more, but his attempts were inconsistent and he missed many hands due to the simple but effective defensive actions of McGoldrick, who was then once again accurate with his counterpunching with his lead hooks and his straight shots. Thus, by doing a little more than his opponent in almost every situation, a more solid and astute McGoldrick secured the win on points.
Capturing these belts will boost McGoldrick’s career, since he will now be able to reach big fights. In this sense, it should be noted, for example, that there is the possibility that he could face former world champion Paul Butler, who could try to bounce back from his defeat against Inoue fighting for the British belt, or former titlist Khalid Yafai, who does not seem to be in condition to aim right now at international fights. If he can’t reach this type of fight, perhaps McGoldrick could end up being challenged by the English champion that will come out of the fight for the vacant belt between Jordan Purkiss and Ramez Mahmood on February 24.
Below you will find the official video of the event courtesy of Boxing Social and Lets Go Management.