“Scrappy” Ramírez impuso su ritmo y su destreza en el combate estelar del evento de Golden Boy Promotions (Vídeo de la velada)
Daniel Pi
Fantasy Springs Casino, Indio, Estados Unidos. Peso supermosca.
Seguramente muchos esperaban que el prospecto estadounidense del peso supermosca John “Scrappy” Ramírez 11(8KO)-0 ganase antes del límite el combate estelar de la velada de Golden Boy Promotions del jueves ante el mexicano Luis “Callado” Villa 15(2KO)-4(2)-2. Sin embargo, aunque lo intentó, Ramírez no logró ese objetivo y Villa le llevó por primera vez al décimo asalto en su amplísimo triunfo unánime. Las puntuaciones fueron 100-90, 99-91 y 99-91.
Tras imponer rápidamente su control de la distancia y su velocidad de manos con jabs y algunas derechas, en el segundo round “Scrappy” conectó un cruzado diestro que consideró que había dañado a Villa, al que hostigó con combinaciones. Con todo, Villa no quedó demasiado afectado por los golpes y continuó ofreciendo resistencia, aprovechando el excesivo afán del favorito para contragolpearle con algún hook y uppercut.
De todos modos, aunque por momentos Villa tiró series consecutivas contra su agresivo oponente y a este último le faltó algo de paciencia antes de atacar, Ramírez usó su destreza defensiva para evitar bastantes manos en la distancia media-corta con ballestas, bloqueos y desvíos y aprovechar cualquier intervalo sin ataques por parte del mexicano para alcanzarle con gancho arriba y abajo, directos diestros y uppercuts de derecha entre otros golpes de poder.
La pelea no tuvo cambios profundos y, más allá de algún momento en el que el estadounidense intentó sorprender desde la distancia larga con golpes aislados entres esquivas, Ramírez siguió imponiendo su presión, su precisión y su volumen de golpes para ganar round tras round a un Villa dispuesto a aguantar cualquier puño que recibiese y que hizo lo que pudo para defenderse y contraatacar.
Como era 2º WBA antes de este triunfo y se espera que, como mínimo, dispute una eliminatoria en el futuro próximo, estos diez rounds le vendrán muy bien, dado que hasta ahora nunca había pasado del sexto round y eso es poco bagaje antes de un test decisivo en la cumbre. En cualquier caso, y aunque su sobreconfianza, como a tantos otros invictos con cualidades, puede lastrarle, su rapidez, variedad de recursos técnicos, persistencia y su óptima preparación física deberían servirle para ser cuanto menos competitivo en el gran reto que le tendría que llegar en la segunda mitad de la temporada.
A continuación vídeo oficial del evento Ramírez-Villa, cortesía de Golden Boy Promotions:

«Scrappy» Ramírez imposed his pace and skill in the main event of Golden Boy Promotions card (Full evening video)
Daniel Pi
Fantasy Springs Casino, Indio, United States. Super flyweight.
Probably many expected that the American super flyweight prospect John “Scrappy” Ramírez 11(8KO)-0 would win by stoppage the main fight of Golden Boy Promotions’ evening on Thursday against the Mexican Luis “Callado” Villa 15(2KO)-4(2)-2. However, although he tried, Ramírez did not achieve that goal and Villa took him to the tenth round for the first time in his career. In any case, Ramírez’s victory was by unanimous decision (100-90, 99-91, 99-91).
After quickly imposing his control of the distance and his hand speed with jabs and some right hands, in the second round «Scrappy» landed a right overhand that he considered had hurt Villa, whom he attacked with combinations. However, Villa was not too affected by the blows and continued to offer resistance, taking advantage of the favorite’s excessive offensive eagerness to counterattack him with some hooks and uppercuts.
Still, although on occasions Villa threw back-to-back combinations against his aggressive opponent and the latter lacked a bit of patience before attacking at times, Ramírez used his defensive prowess to avoid quite a few hands at mid-short range with waist movements, blocks and parries and exploited any interval without offensives by the Mexican to hit him with hooks up and down, right hands and right uppercuts among other power shots.
The fight did not have deep changes and, apart from a moment in which the American tried to surprise his opponent from long range with isolated punches between dodges, Ramírez continued to impose his pressure, his precision and his work rate to win round after round against Villa, who was willing to endure any punch he received and did what he could to defend and counterattack.
As he was ranked as number 2 in the WBA prior to this win and he is expected to participate in a final eliminator in the near future, these ten rounds will be very useful for Ramírez, as he had never gone past the sixth round, which is little experience before a decisive test at the top. In any case, and although his overconfidence is a weak point (as for so many other undefeated boxers with qualities), his speed, variety of technical resources, persistence and his optimal physical preparation should serve him to be competitive, to say the least, in the great challenge that he will have to face in the second half of the season.
Below official video of the Ramírez-Villa event, courtesy of Golden Boy Promotions: